Saturday, June 23, 2012

Late to work

The morning started unlike most others – I could barely move my neck. The incessant screams from my cellphones tried in vain to wake me up earlier, and I finally I came to just past nine in the morning. The breakfast remained on the table as I trudged into my comfy hush-puppies and went to the lift door at 9:57 am. Stepping into the lift, I was still dozing, and so it took me all of 20 seconds to realize that I had not moved. Thanking God that the elevator would at least let me out, I made it to the car, and started off for work without much further ado.

God is a comedian, I keep saying. I realized that I didn’t have cash on me, and that my car needed to be fed. So another detour and 20 minutes later, I was back on track, praying to God that I don’t get stuck in the horrid traffic while low on fuel. Think I must’ve made it to the pump on fume alone.

Interestingly, I was in a sprightly mood, and nothing could ebb that. The tension of shipments getting delayed, worker crisis, frequent power-cuts, drops in gas pressure feeding the boilers – all these were there, registering, but not having the regular effect. I got the impression that today was meant for something grander. I was going through the day waiting for that “something” to materialize. Buoyant on the good vibes, I got to work at a comfortable pace, with uncharacteristically low traffic on the way.

I guess being happy is just a mindset. You can be happy despite a zillion problems buzzing around, or you can decide to be morose while riding the crest of a wave. There is so many things that I am thankful for – it is easy to be happy if I just acknowledge them.

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